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时间:2025-01-03 10:17:37

1. 生活不是赛场,无需和他人一争高下,自己满意便是满分。

Life is not a racecourse. There's no need to compete with others. Satisfaction with oneself is a perfect score.

2. 把普通的烟火过成精致,让每一个平凡的日子都溢满欢喜。

Turn ordinary daily life into something exquisite, filling every ordinary day with joy.

3. 熬过低谷,繁花自现,我们终将在磨砺中成为更好的自己。

After enduring the trough, flowers will bloom. We will eventually become better selves through trials.

4. 成长是一场和自己的较量,战胜懦弱,拥抱勇敢。

Growth is a battle with oneself. Overcome cowardice and embrace bravery.

5. 真正的爱情,不是一时的激情,而是长久的陪伴与理解。

True love is not a momentary passion but long-term companionship and understanding.

6. 爱不是寻找一个完美的人,而是学会用完美的眼光欣赏那个不完美的人。

Love is not about finding a perfect person, but learning to appreciate the imperfect one with a perfect perspective.

7. 好朋友是世界上另一种家人,虽不常见,却常念于心。

Good friends are another kind of family in the world. We don't see each other often, but they are always in our hearts.

8. 真正的友情,经得起时间的考验,受得了距离的拉扯。

True friendship can stand the test of time and endure the pull of distance.

9. 梦想如星辰,虽遥不可及,但只要努力,总能一步步靠近。

Dreams are like stars, though out of reach, but as long as we strive, we can get closer step by step.

10. 不要让别人偷走你的梦想,那是属于你自己的璀璨星光。

Don't let others steal your dreams. They are your own bright stars.

11. 心若向阳,无畏悲伤,微笑面对生活,生活自会报以温柔。

If the heart faces the sun, there's no fear of sadness. Smile at life, and life will return tenderness.

12. 保持一颗平常心,看淡得失,方能在喧嚣尘世中自在安宁 。

Keep an ordinary mind, look lightly on gains and losses, and then you can be at ease in the noisy world.

13. 与人相处,懂得分寸,是一种修养,更是一种智慧。

Getting along with others with a sense of propriety is a kind of self-cultivation and, more importantly, wisdom.

14. 用沉默回应无理,用微笑化解尴尬,是社交的高级法则。

Responding to unreason with silence and resolving embarrassment with a smile is an advanced rule of social interaction.

15. 挫折是成长的勋章,每一次跌倒都是为了更稳健地站起。

Setbacks are medals of growth. Every fall is for a more stable stand-up.

16. 困境是人生的磨刀石,它会让我们的意志更加锋利。

Difficult situations are the sharpening stones of life, making our will sharper.

17. 人生没有回头路,每一次选择都是一次新的开始,勇敢前行。

There's no turning back in life. Every choice is a new beginning. Move forward bravely.

18. 以欢喜之心,慢度日常,在琐碎中寻找诗意,在平凡中发现美好。

With a joyous heart, spend everyday life slowly. Seek poetry in the trivial and discover beauty in the ordinary.

19. 时间是最公平的,它给每个人每天都是24小时,如何利用决定人生。

Time is the fairest. It gives everyone 24 hours a day. How we use it determines our lives.

20. 珍惜每一个当下,因为它们是组成我们生命的珍贵片段。

Cherish every moment, for they are precious fragments that make up our lives.